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کل بازدیدها: 106554 آذر 91 - سوالات دکتری92

سوالات دکتری92

- درباره وب سوالات دکتری نیمه متمرکز91، سوالات دکتری آزاد91، سوالات ارشد91، سوالات ارشد آزاد91، سوالات کاردانی به کارشناسی91،سوالات دکتری وزارت بهداشت91، سوالات ارشد وزارت بهداشت91، سوالات ارشد فراگیر پیام نور91، سوالات کارشناسی فراگیر پیام نور91، سوالات کاردانی به کارشناسی فراگیر پیام نور91، سوالات کاردانی به کارشناسی جامع علمی کاربردی91-90، سوالات جامع پودمانی91-90، سوالات کارشناسی علمی کاربردی91-90، سوالات کاردانی علمی کاربردی91-90، سوالات کاردانی فنی و حرفه ایhttp://azmoonbartar.com/91

درس:  زبان روانشناسی       
PART A: Vocabulary
Directions: Choose the word or phrase (1), (2), (3), or (4) that best completes each sentence. Then mark the correct choice on your answer sheet.
1. A second early school of psychology asked how and why an organism\s behavior helps it to adapt to its environment. It was called …………. .
1) structuralism    2) introspection    3) functionalism     4) behaviorism
2. What do John Watson, Ivan Pavolv and B.F. Skinner have in common?
1) They were students of Freud and further developed psychodynamic theory.
2) They were the forerunners of psychology
3) They all made significant contributions to the learning perspective
4) They all used the technique of trained introspection in their research
3. Psychologists who conduct laboratory studies of learning, motivation, emotion, sensation and perception, physiology, and cognition are called …………. psychologists.
1) experimental    2) educational    3) developmental    4) social
4. Localization of function refers to the fact that ……….. .
1) personality traits are reflection in different areas of the brain
2) information is distributed across large areas of the brain
3) different brain parts perform different jobs and store different sorts of information
4) different diversities among functions of organs
5. Learning is defined as ……….. .
1) acquisition of practical skills
2) any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs because of experience
3) any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs because of experience.
4) any relatively permanent change in behavior
6. If a stimulus similar to the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented without being followed by the unconditioned stimulus, it will stop evoking the conditioned response. The differential responses to the conditioned stimulus and the similar stimulus demonstrate ………… .
1) extinction        2) stimulus discrimination
3) stimulus generalization    4) high-order conditioning
7. How is information organized in long-term memory?
1) By semantic category only
2) By the way words look or sound
3) By semantic category and by the way words look or sound
4) None of the above
8. Which of the following is NOT an explanation advanced to explain forgetting?
1) Interference
2) Motivated forgetting   
3) The idea that new memories can wipe out old information
4) Explicit forgetting
9. The best way to get information into long-term memory is by using ……… .
1) maintenance rehearsal    2) elaborative rehearsal
3) repetition        4) all of the above
10. Dr Weller is conducting research on the health behaviors of people who become ill and those who do not. What field of study does this represent?
1) health psychology         2) psychoneuroimnunology
3) psychosomatic medicine    4) any of the above
11. Which characteristics were found more often in sexually aggressive males?
1) A history of violence and psychological problems
2) Poor communication and feelings of insecurity
3) Hostile attitudes and sexual promiscuity
4) A history of being abused and family problems
12. Research on Maslow\s hierarchy of needs ………… .
1) has supported the idea that motives are met in a hierarchy.
2) has not supported any aspect of this theory.
3) has found that is true that lower needs must be met first but that once these needs are met, all people do not necessarily go on to meet the higher needs.
4) has found that very few people go on to meet the higher needs.
13. A distinctive and stable pattern of behavior, thoughts, motives and emotions that characterizes an individual over time is the definition of …………. .
1) traits    2) temperament    3) personality    4) locus of control
14. The most controversial finding to come from the heritability studies on twins is the idea that …………. .
1) the only environmental effects on personality come from nonshared experiences
2) environmental effects on personality come from only shared experiences
3) most personality traits are highly heritable
4) most personality traits are primarily a result of environmental influences
15. Observational learning, perceptions and interpretations of events belong to ………… .
1) the cognitive social learning school    2) the radical behavior school
3) the self-handicapping school    4) none of the above

PART B: Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read the following passage and decide which choice (1), (2), (3) or (4) best fits each space. Then mark the correct choice on your answer sheet.
Passage 1:
Cognitive approaches to therapy assume that emotional disorders are the result of irrational beliefs or perceptions. The mind may interpret an event as scary or calming, happy or sad. The emotionally disordered person may perceive adverse events as personal failures. Cognitive psychotherapies seek to make the patient aware of the irrationality of this perception and to substitute more rational evaluations of such events.
16. According to the above passage, emotional disorders are the output of ……….. beliefs and perceptions.
1) reasonable    2) thoughtful    3) rational    4) illogical
17. The cognitivists may deal with only …………. .
1) covert behavior    2) overt behavior    3) mind    4) hidden setting
18. The underlined word "adverse" in the passage is closest in meaning to …………. .
1) unfavorable    2) inoffensive    3) threatening    4) monotonous

Passage 2:
A contemporary issue among psychologists is the activation or cause of emotion, its structure or components, and its functions and consequences. Each of these aspects can be considered from a biosocial view. Generally, biosocial theory focuses on the neurophysiological aspects of emotions and their roles as organizers of cognition and motivators of action.
19. According to the above passage, which one is NOT related to concurrent subject among psychologists?
1) activation of behavior    2) cause of emotion
3) activation of emotion    4) consequences of emotion
20. Biosocial theory focuses on the ………… aspects of emotions.
1) psychological    2) social    3) neurophysiological    4) emotional
21- The underlined word "contemporary" in the passage is closest in meaning to ………. .
1) current    2) acclaimed    3) contemptuous    4) favored

Passage 3:
Working environments in which loud noise is frequent can be harmful to the employee. Aside from simply being annoying, the most measurable physical effect of noise pollution is damage to hearing. This may be either temporary or permanent and may cause disruption of normal activities. In work areas where noise is a problem, care should be taken to protect the ears with earplugs.

22. According to the above passage, working ………… with loud and frequent noise is harmful to workers.
1) settings    2) employments    3) changes    4) policies
23- Noise pollution may lead to ……….. of normal activities.
1) protection    2) frequency    3) disruption    4) placement
24- The underlined word "annoying" in the 2nd line is closest in meaning to …………….. .
1) difficult     2) ongoing    3) bothersome    4) refined

Passage 4:
In the field of artificial intelligence, scientists are studying methods for developing computer programs-that display aspects of intelligent behavior. Research into all aspects of artificial intelligence is vigorous. However, some researchers doubt that artificial intelligence can truly replicate forms of intelligent behavior like that observed in intelligent living organisms. Indeed, artificial intelligence programs are simple when compared to the intuitive reasoning and induction capabilities of the human brain.
25- According to the above passage, research in all dimensions of artificial intelligence is ………. .
1) simple    2) extensive    3) hard    4) comparable

26- Some scholars are in doubt that artificial intelligence can really ……… forms of ………. behavior.
1) replicate-intelligent        2) cultivate-complex
3) repeat-complex        4) compare-intelligent
27- The underlined word "display" in the second line may be replaced by ……….. .
1) exhibit    2) narrate    3) declare    4) arrange

Passage 5:
When DNA is subjected to restriction-enzyme activity, fragments of various sizes are formed. This process reveals a unique pattern of restriction-enzyme DNA This specific DNA pattern found in each human genetic lineage is unique, because each person, except for identical twins, is formed from different combinations of the genetic material from two family lines. The pattern of sizes of the DNA from an individual is unique and can serve as a "DNA fingerprint" of that person.
28- According to the above passage, as DNA is ………. to restriction-enzyme activity, components of various sizes are formed.
1) exposed    2) related    3) explained    4) impressed
29- We can conclude from the passage that the pattern of sizes of DNA from every person is ……….. .
1) same    2) unique    3) widespread    4) limited
30- The underlined word "fragments" in the passage is closest in meaning to ……… .
1) particles    2) flaws    3) growths    4) modifications

نوشته شده در تاریخ یکشنبه 91/9/19 توسط سعید کریمی
نمونه سوالات استخدامی،سوالات کارشناسی ارشد،کاردانی،دکتری،سراسری ،آزاد،فراگیر،فنی حرفه ای در سایت آزمون برتر www.azmoonbartar.com
سوالات ارشد تا دکتری1391

روانشناسی اجتماعیکتاب روانشناسی اجتماعی

نام کتاب :  چکیده ای از روانشناسی اجتماعی

نویسنده : اولویت ارونسون

ناشر :  قبولی

زبان کتاب: پارسی

تعداد صفحه :  38

قالب کتاب : PDF

حجم فایل :  335  Kb

اجتماعی مطالعه موضوعات،مشکلات و مسایل مرتبط با روانشناسی و جامعه‌ است.
روانشناسی اجتماعی، اثرات حضور دیگران را بر رفتار فرد یا رفتار خود را تحت
تأثیر گروه مورد بررسی و مطالعه قرار می‌دهد.روشن است که تأثیر دیگران بر
فرد مستلزم وجود روابط متقابل بین خود با دیگران است،بنابراین به یک تعریف
دیگر روان‌شناسی اجتماعی به عنوان علم مطالعه رفتار متقابل بین انسان‌ها یا
علم مطالعه تعامل انسان‌ها شناخته می‌شود.

نوشته شده در تاریخ یکشنبه 91/9/19 توسط سعید کریمی
نمونه سوالات استخدامی،سوالات کارشناسی ارشد،کاردانی،دکتری،سراسری ،آزاد،فراگیر،فنی حرفه ای در سایت آزمون برتر www.azmoonbartar.com
سوالات ارشد تا دکتری1391

دختر و پسر

 کتاب روانشناسی روابط دختر و پسر

نام کتاب :  روانشناسی روابط دختر و پسر

نویسنده : محمد فر

ناشر :  قبولی

زبان کتاب : فارسی

تعداد صفحه :  37

قالب کتاب : PDF

حجم فایل : 624  Kb

تشریح و توضیح روابط دختر و پسر در جامعه و روانشناسی تاثیر این روابط بر جوانان و طرف مقابل

نوشته شده در تاریخ یکشنبه 91/9/19 توسط سعید کریمی
نمونه سوالات استخدامی،سوالات کارشناسی ارشد،کاردانی،دکتری،سراسری ،آزاد،فراگیر،فنی حرفه ای در سایت آزمون برتر www.azmoonbartar.com
سوالات ارشد تا دکتری1391

جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی سال 2012 به جان بی
گوردن انگلیسی و شینیا یاماناکا ژاپنی برای اکتشاف در عرصه سلولهای
بنیادین اهدا شد.

آنها برنامه ریزی دوباره ای در تبدیل سلولها به حالت اولیه سلول بنیادین و
استفاده از آنها به منظور تولید سلولها و بافتهای مختلف در بدن انجام
داده اند.

جایزه نوبل فیزیولوژی و پزشکی به عنوان یکی از جایزه‌های نوبل است و هر سال از سوی موسسه کارولینسکا اعطا می‌شود.

این موسسه یکی از بزرگترین دانشگاههای علوم پزشکی اروپا است که در شهر استکهلم، سوئد واقع شده است.

این جایزه از 1901 تا کنون با وقفه‌هایی اهدا شده است.

نوشته شده در تاریخ جمعه 91/9/17 توسط سعید کریمی
نمونه سوالات استخدامی،سوالات کارشناسی ارشد،کاردانی،دکتری،سراسری ،آزاد،فراگیر،فنی حرفه ای در سایت آزمون برتر www.azmoonbartar.com
سوالات ارشد تا دکتری1391
نوشته شده در تاریخ جمعه 91/9/17 توسط سعید کریمی
نمونه سوالات استخدامی،سوالات کارشناسی ارشد،کاردانی،دکتری،سراسری ،آزاد،فراگیر،فنی حرفه ای در سایت آزمون برتر www.azmoonbartar.com
سوالات ارشد تا دکتری1391
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سوالات ارشد تا دکتری1391